Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Bruce Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! (HeelvsBabyFace)

The comic industry is at it again and this time their sights are the biggest prize of all, Batman. A recent comic tried to hint that Batman's sexuality isn't quite what it seems.

Everything has to be gay or virtue signaling in some way. It gets a bit tired, and the products tend to be of lower quality and unappealing to the mainstream hetero audience. You can't force people to be into something they are not into. 

Best Comment at You Tube:

Matthew Joyner

I have a couple of friends in the LGBTQ+ community and they definitely think that all this ideological pandering is bullshit. It doesn’t get them excited for new comics, it just makes them roll their eyes.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, May 25, 2022.]

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