Friday, April 22, 2022

Now It Makes Sense (Russell Brand)

As millions more in China live under severe lockdown, have countries around the world – including our own – suffered from a crackdown on dissent?

China as a cautionary tale. Already much damage has been done with a crackdown on dissent and the railroading of people into a medical experiment (coerced injections). 

Comment from Facebook: Authoritarianism, censorship, the stifling of dissent. Brand brings up these points in relation to our current world, with a focus on China as the model for what's being done. His take on the crushing of dissent in the West is excellent, leading to questions about non disclosed agendas. Brand, as a successful comedian, is both intelligent and has a high level of wisdom or perception. This is something that most people in society lack.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, April 22, 2022.]

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