Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Video taken from COVID VACCINE VICTIMS AND FAMILIES. - Dr. Peter McCullough Uses the Bradford Hill Tenants of Causality to Determine the Vaccine's Relationship to Death.

1.) Is it a big signal? Yes. 12,000 U.S. VAERS deaths.
2.) Is it biologically plausible? Yes. Spike protein is lethal.
3.) Is it temporally related? Yes. 80% of the deaths are within a week; 50% are within two days.
4a.) Is it internally consistent? Yes.
4b.) Is it externally consistent? Yes.
5.) Have randomized trials confirmed this? Yes, but only one of large scale has been done (Pfizer's own trial). There were more deaths in the vaccinated group than in the placebo group.

"The Bradford Hill Tenants of Causality have been fulfilled. On a more probable than not basis, and I would probably upgrade that to on a clear and convincing basis, the vaccines are causing death."

McCullough then says the next step is to conduct autopsies on the deceased. This has been done in Germany showing internal damage caused by the jabs. The case is proven beyond all reasonable doubt. The scary thing with the German autopsy deaths is that many of them occurred some time after they were jabbed. Like they were ticking time bombs. This is something that is happening to those athletes that are suddenly dying around the world.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, April 19, 2022.]

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