Friday, October 18, 2024

Vaccine warning to Prime Minister (John Campbell)

Great discussion with Mr. Russell Broadbent MP. A politician who advocates for and correctly represents his constituents and the wider world. Thank you.

The Hon Anthony Albanese MP Prime Minister
Parliament House
By email: Dear Prime Minister
I refer to my letter of 20 September 2024 calling on the government to immediately suspend the use of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 products due to the evidence of significant synthetic DNA contamination, as detailed in Dr. David Speicher’s report.
Unlike the Thalidomide tragedy, which resulted in over 10,000 victims globally, the Covid-19 vaccines have been administered to more than 20 million Australians, totalling over 63 million doses. The contamination detected in these vaccines, if not addressed, presents a substantial risk, with the potential for these dangers - such as genomic integration and potential long-term health impacts - to multiply with each additional dose administered. Immediate action through a suspension of these products is critical to mitigate further risk.
To assist in adopting a precautionary approach and minimizing further harm, I enclose a Science Summary created and endorsed by eminent Australian and international scientists and medical experts. The summary reinforces the known and potential dangers of DNA contamination and highlights the need for an urgent and independent investigation. As advised by the co-signatories, the Department of Health and Aged Care has produced no evidence to demonstrate why the detected DNA contamination will not produce the dire adverse health outcomes detailed in the Science Summary.
Additionally, I have reason to believe that multiple attempts by prominent scientists to warn the TGA of these risks have been disregarded since early 2021, raising serious questions about the agency's ability to protect the health and well-being of Australians.
Finally, I draw your attention to the Biosecurity Act 2015, which may now be relevant. Given the contamination evidence, I recommend the Minister for Agriculture initiate a Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis of these products, potentially leading to the suspension of these products due to the risks they pose to human health.
I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the 52 co-signatories below in the preparation of this letter and reiterate my call seeking your urgent action to ensure the safety of all Australians.
Yours sincerely
Russell Broadbent MP Member for Monash

The end of the clip deals with the upcoming misinformation and disinformation Bill that would silence this sort of important discussion and activism. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 18, 2024.]

Misinformation bill equals censorship to suit the Big End of Town (Gerard Rennick)

Try not to laugh

“Would you not assume there is inherent conflict of interest between what the mainstream media reports as news and what the government wants reported as news given the mainstream media relies on the government for a significant part of its advertising revenue?

There’s no conflict of interest between the journalists or the editorial teams……..there are internal mechanisms regarding journalistic integrity and editorial decisions where those commercial decisions do not come into play.”
I put this question to free to air media executives in the misinformation bill Senate inquiry.

I have been told first hand by journalists that they are not allowed to talk about certain topics because their advertisers wouldn’t like it or they would be threatened with legal action despite the information being true.

Editor's comment:

At the end of this clip, regardless of the role Gov money has in influencing the MSM networks, she says that the media are trusted sources of information. This is complete garbage. They've been pushing disinformation about things like terrorism and war and Covid for decades. I know because I've been trying to correct them when it came to the former two issues and they did nothing. They're near useless propaganda outlets. The issue with the censorship bill is that it does not apply to the MSM, and they claim to be the most honest source for information. At least it seems they're against the bill. Such a disgrace. When it came to sharing lies about Covid, and especially the jabs, media chiefs should be facing jail time. People pointed out that what was happening was an obvious crime and they covered it up.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 18, 2024.]

US cancels Ramstein, Zelensky in trouble (TheDuran)

The Europeans are also cooling on the Ukraine project. The Ukrainians have always been entirely expendable to the neocons that have pushed the war. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 18, 2024.]

They Quietly Admitted It (Paul Joseph Watson)

A short clip from PJW pointing out that the FBI now admits that violent crime rose over 4% in the US rather than it falling 2% as previously reported. The only reason there was a drop was because they were no longer collecting the data. But residents could see it with their own eyes.

What's the point of this news? The FBI and MSM regularly LIE to ordinary people to serve political interests. If someone is telling you that the FBI is a reputable agency, or you are watching a TV show that paints them (their leadership) in a good light, then you are being hoodwinked. They operate more like a secret police agency, at least a key section of it, coming from the top down.

They have a documented history of forming and aiding terrorist plots, so they can bust them, that would have otherwise not have happened. They gave live bomb material to the terrorists who blew up the World Trade Centre basement carpark in 1993, they covered up the US Navy shootdown of TWA Flight 800, they executed a friend of the alleged Boston Marathon bombers, they played along with the Russiagate Hoax, and going back in time they were involved in blackmail via J Edgar Hoover and operated COINTELPRO to vilify and set up anti war activist opponents of the Government. The point is that major US institutions are all corrupted, especially anything with 'Federal' attached to it. 3 mins

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 18, 2024.]

There is No Way Back for the Fiat Dollar & Co. They Are All Sinking! (maneco64)

Will all the fiat currencies sink simply because they're fiat or will some crash worse than others because of the underlying economy of the country? Silver and Gold should break out higher nevertheless.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 18, 2024.]

Thursday, October 17, 2024

US-Israel Inch Toward Wider, More Dangerous War (TheNewAtlas)

US-Israeli Aggression Across the Middle East

Following Iran’s missile barrage in the beginning of October, initial reports of “minimal damage” have given way to admissions of much more serious damage;

Iran may have over 3,000 missiles and is reportedly expanding production even further;

Israel possesses air defenses capable of intercepting Iranian missiles, but do not exist in the volumes necessary to prevent saturation by large-scale attacks and may not exist in large enough quantities to outlast waves of Iranian missile strikes;

Iran lacks significant conventional offensive military power and instead relies on asymmetrical networks across the region to keep US-Israeli aggression at a distance;

Iran’s extensive missile forces serve as a deterrence meant to raise the cost of US-Israeli military aggression across the region, but is not capable of “destroying” Israel;

The US and Israel lack the conventional military capabilities required to “destroy” Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, or Iran as viable nation-states, but do possess significant stockpiles of nuclear weapons;

The military analysis is good but there's a problem with the political analysis of who is controlling who when it comes to Middle East politics. It's actually the Israeli lobbyists that are the tail wagging the US dog in this situation. Otherwise, when it comes to military capabilities, this clip is right on the money.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 17, 2024.]

1.8 Million Losses. Decisive Day.Protests In Kyiv.Evacuation Of Kupyansk.Military Summary 2024.10.16

Total casualties are estimated at 1.8 million, with 780,000 Ukrainians killed. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 17, 2024.]

Local Council Lobbies to Ban the Experimental mRNA jabs in Australia: Graham and John speak with Russell Broadbent and Adrian McRae...(Graham Hood)

Last Friday night, history was made in the Council Chambers at Port Headland. Two elected representatives one federal and one local have stood in integrity [against the experimental mRNA jabs].
So what could possibly go wrong?
Tonight we speak with the two men at the centre of a massive truth bomb
[that has gone viral worldwide]. MP Russell Broadbent and Counsellor Adrian McRae.
You just couldn't make this stuff up.
God bless.
Hoody and Johnny.

It's the Port Headland council, and likely other local councils, vs the corrupt State and Federal Government when it comes to banning the mRNA injections and getting some accountability.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 17, 2024.]

Something big is happening in Australia right now. The Convid-jab narrative is collapsing.(Malcolm Roberts)

Senator Malcom Roberts vows to prosecute "those who committed the biggest crime in Australian history - COVID vaccines".

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 17, 2024.]

BREAKING: Learn Why The Globalists' NWO Is Totally F***ed (Infowars)

The plans of the globalists are insane. As the reality of their self destructive plans become more apparent powerful people in the system are jumping ship, such as Elon Musk, or communicator Tucker Carlson. It pays to listen to what Jones is saying about those pulling the strings right at the top of the tree.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 17, 2024.]

Black Men DESTROY Obama For Vote Shaming Them! (Jimmy Dore)

A larger section of the US population is waking up the identity politics rubbish. The country is MUCH worse under the open doors globalist policies rolled out under Biden. This situation must be reversed in order to save the country.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 17, 2024.]

EXCLUSIVE: Alex Jones Announces Plan To Stay On-Air Despite Deep State Assault (Infowars)

Whatever they do to take Jones off the air will simply not work. Furthermore, we now have a plethora of other alternative media voices exposing the corruption all around us. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 17, 2024.]

Mainstream Media Turning AGAINST Disney | Major Articles AGREE With Fans, Echo OUR Talking Points! (Doomcock)

Disney, with help from their Mainstream Media allies, have been gaslighting fans for YEARS now, claiming we're toxic, we're deluded, we're trolls...but now at last, I've noticed a recent trend where these same mainstream media outlets are now attacking Disney, echoing a LOT of the things we fans have been saying all along! What has shifted? I have some ideas, but this is one more sign that we are moving the needle, and winning this war to save pop culture as pressure mounts on Disney to cut the crap and get back to making MONEY!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 17, 2024.]

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Neil Oliver Interviews Dr Clare Craig - Under attack!!!

…a runaway train with no brakes…

Dr Clair Craig talking about institutionalised science, group think and a lack of humility that undermines the scientific process. She highlights the point that the situation we face today, when it comes to facing up to the truth about the pandemic and the jabs, is being shaped not just by big money but by failures of thought and human psychology. We're in a world where too many people are worshipping false idols, in the form of authority, where this has undermined how people with scientific training should be operating.  [Not mentioned here; It should also be pointed out that doctors have tended to follow rigid top down protocols for legal reasons too, to avoid potential prosecution]. 

Dr Craig's closing words are excellent when it comes to her uncertain future; that she's rather be where she is now, and says "I don't know if I've burnt all my bridges, but I'd go back and burn them again if so". Meaning she'd do it all again, losing the security she had in the past for where she is now in terms of her role the world as she now understands it. Neil Oliver also talks about his own awakening to the fact that things are off the rails, and that he's give up wealth and comfort in order to have the knowledge he's recently gained. 

In the opening of the video they talk about the pandemic measures and 'group think' as being like a runaway train, with the the lack of a proper dissent process, with experts in denial, with many caught in the grip of a mass psychosis event. Despite this they remain hopeful about what they are doing in communicating what's happening to the public and look towards a time in history where we've learnt from the present day epistemological mistakes being made.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 16, 2024.]

Scott Ritter : Can Israel Survive a War with Iran? (Judging Freedom)

The clip opens with talk about Ukraine where Ritter points out that the war will only end with Ukraine's surrender. In the Middle East Israel faces attacks by drones and missiles that they cannot stop. In a war of attrition the Israelis will struggle without the direct intervention of the USA, which may be the long term plan. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 16, 2024.]

Retreat From The Zaporozhye Direction. Victory Plan. Kursk Trap. Military Summary For 2024.10.15

Latest map update and political developments. What is Zelensky's victory plan? At present the Ukrainian Army is being demolished on the battlefield.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 16, 2024.]

Appellate Court DESTROYS Trump’s Prosecutor- Ready To TOSS OUT $450 Million Verdict! (Jimmy Dore)

The political persecution of Trump is a clown show. Any sensibly operating court will throw out the case.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 16, 2024.]

Don't Be Fooled by the Stock Market Melt-Up. It's a Currency Event! (maneco64)

The markets are obviously being juiced up. This is a sign that there's a big problem when it comes to genuine investment into stocks - and it's a bad reflection when it comes to the real economy. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 16, 2024.]

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Young Hearts Part 62 - Lies and Doublespeak - 13th Oct 2024 (Check Ur6)

Doctors and Medical Professionals/Administrators are 'baffled' by all the sudden illnesses and deaths over the last 3 years. After 4 mins of intro this clip opens with a lot of kids under 20 suffering from heart attacks playing sports, mostly in the USA - in just the last three weeks. The big problem is they're still pushing the jabs that are undoubtedly the cause. This really needs to stop. And to counter all the sudden deaths, and near deaths, we need more research to test people to understand the risks. People at risk need treatment or to avoid straining themselves. This is still not happening. Facing up to the truth, by those in authority, is not happening. Hence this post. 25mins total.

ps. If clips like this were shared like wildfire online, and people in the medical community, and politicians, saw them, then the pressure to do something would build - especially if their family members were sharing the content, or at least seeing the content and talking about it.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]

Before NZ’s COVID VAX rollout, just 2,000 attended A&E for 'CHEST PAINS' a year – now it's 30,000 (World Orders Review)

The truth of this crime cannot be kept hidden. The jabs need to be banned immediately. Justice for what happened will come eventually.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]

Is THIS Why They Want Ivermectin Banned? This Is About To Change EVERYTHING (Russell Brand)

Ivermectin might be effective in treating cancer, but big pharma won't touch it because they can't profit from it. Also, MDMA might be effective in treating PTSD. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]


She's a dumb ass globalist stooge that has no problem throwing everyone under the bus, and people are waking up to it!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]

Take this survey please it's only two questions... (Mind Treasury)

From Søren Korsgaard: I am currently conducting research for a paper on the phone calls made from the hijacked airliners during the events of September 11, 2001. As part of my study, I am interested in understanding different perspectives on this topic, particularly within communities that question the official narrative. To gather insights, I have created a survey to explore beliefs about whether these phone calls were genuine or faked. Your participation will provide valuable data for my research and help shed light on various viewpoints regarding this aspect of 9/11. Please take a moment to participate in the survey below. Your responses are anonymous and will be used solely for academic purposes.  

Søren Korsgaard is also the author of a paper in the Journal of 9/11 Studies: 


[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]

Private Equity -The New Subprime? Global Banks Have Significant Exposure.(maneco64)

A good explanation of the situation from Mario about excessive debt racked up by the Private Equity Groups, and rising defaults. There are a number of different things that can cause an economic crisis at present and this is one of them. The problems unfolding here are likely to increase pressure to lower interest rates. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 15, 2024.]

Monday, October 14, 2024

Australian Senator Issues Emergency Warning To The World: Humanity Is Coming For The Globalists! (Infowars)

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts joins Alex Jones to give an emergency warning to the globalists that they won’t be able to flee from justice after perpetrating the COVID plandemic and many other crimes against humanity.

A really good interview with Jones pointing out the fact that we're being put under the thumb of anti human globalist minded corporatists (predominantly from the highest levels of the financial sector via the WEF etc).

Their plans are the sort dreamed up by mad scientists, where their goals are to eventually have everyone on a social credit system. It's crazy, but they're trying it on.

We've also had to content with being damaged and killed by experimental jabs, likely intended to cull our population, but this has woken up the masses, at least a large chunk, so that the maniacs in charge are now in big trouble. Their plans for a 'Great Reset' are facing a great level of resistance. More people need to be aware of what is happening, hence sharing videos like this. Play at 1.75 speed to get through it. Listen as radio noise. You don't have to agree with all the content to understand what we are facing. So stand up and do not comply with any more of their madness.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

Western Narratives Unravel in Ukraine Including Ukraine's Black Sea "Victory" (TheNewAtlas)

Russian forces have made significant advances all along the line of contact including beyond the now Russian-held city of Vugledar, around Pokrovsk, and toward Torestsk;

Ukraine’s Western sponsors continue to incrementally admit the limits of their military support for Ukraine;

Limitations to Ukrainian manpower are also increasingly being admitted to;

Recent Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian maritime shipping have reversed the so-called Black Sea "victory" the collective West has hailed for months (if not years);

Ukraine's "victory plan" most likely entails Ukraine being admitted into NATO as the conflict continues, creating similar dynamics to the US occupation of Syria, and locking Western military power in Eastern Europe making pursuit of US primacy elsewhere more difficult;

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

BIG APPLE INJUSTICE! New York AG Letitia James & Judge Arthur Engoron DESTROYED by Court of Appeal! (Viva Frei)

A case with no victim and no fraud !

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

Society ‘put to the torch by PROGRESSIVES’ as Labour nudge UK towards digital SLAVERY | Neil Oliver (GBNews)

‘All the generations held dear, is put to the torch by self-proclaimed progressives!’

Neil oliver discusses the assault on freedom of speech by the Labour Party and Tony Blair's possible involvement behind the scenes.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

Poland BANS asylum seekers! (Jeff Taylor)

Would you believe it, that arch Europhile the Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, will temporarily ban migrants from claiming asylum in Poland.

Reality eventually strikes. Meanwhile in the UK the globalists continue to destroy the country with mass migration. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

Toyota REJECTS Woke | Joins List of Major Corporations ENDING DEI Programs as Disney Flounders (Doomcock)

In a major blow to DEI and ESG governance, a corporation much larger than Disney steps away from "the agenda" and announces it will no longer fund or participate in divisive political sponsorships or endorsements! In other words, Toyota has decided moving forward it is in the business...of doing business! This is not an anomaly folks...while we were focused on pop culture, we failed to realize that quietly and surely, major corporations outside of Hollywood are moving AWAY from all this woke madness! Here's my analysis of the situation, and my explanation of why this is a major win for us!

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]