Thursday, October 3, 2024

Young Hearts Part 61 - Human Experiments - 21st Sept 2024 (Check Ur6)

Govts have conducted scores of human experiments (that we know of). How many are there we don't know of and how many are being conducted at the moment?

This video is posted as a warning because not everyone 'gets it' yet. The listings of dead and injured starts after 4:15. The opening 4 mins covers heinous past medical experiments on the public, led by small groups of academics, who deliberately injured and killed people. What's going on currently was also led by small groups of (corrupt) scientists who undoubtedly knew what they were doing in terms of injuring and killing people. This seems to be the point of the exercise. Opt out of any future experimental jabs. You have the right to say no without suffering persecution. The people pushing these shots are criminals.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 3, 2024.]

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