Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Neil Oliver Interviews Dr Clare Craig - Under attack!!!

…a runaway train with no brakes…

Dr Clair Craig talking about institutionalised science, group think and a lack of humility that undermines the scientific process. She highlights the point that the situation we face today, when it comes to facing up to the truth about the pandemic and the jabs, is being shaped not just by big money but by failures of thought and human psychology. We're in a world where too many people are worshipping false idols, in the form of authority, where this has undermined how people with scientific training should be operating.  [Not mentioned here; It should also be pointed out that doctors have tended to follow rigid top down protocols for legal reasons too, to avoid potential prosecution]. 

Dr Craig's closing words are excellent when it comes to her uncertain future; that she's rather be where she is now, and says "I don't know if I've burnt all my bridges, but I'd go back and burn them again if so". Meaning she'd do it all again, losing the security she had in the past for where she is now in terms of her role the world as she now understands it. Neil Oliver also talks about his own awakening to the fact that things are off the rails, and that he's give up wealth and comfort in order to have the knowledge he's recently gained. 

In the opening of the video they talk about the pandemic measures and 'group think' as being like a runaway train, with the the lack of a proper dissent process, with experts in denial, with many caught in the grip of a mass psychosis event. Despite this they remain hopeful about what they are doing in communicating what's happening to the public and look towards a time in history where we've learnt from the present day epistemological mistakes being made.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 16, 2024.]

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