Monday, October 14, 2024

Australian Senator Issues Emergency Warning To The World: Humanity Is Coming For The Globalists! (Infowars)

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts joins Alex Jones to give an emergency warning to the globalists that they won’t be able to flee from justice after perpetrating the COVID plandemic and many other crimes against humanity.

A really good interview with Jones pointing out the fact that we're being put under the thumb of anti human globalist minded corporatists (predominantly from the highest levels of the financial sector via the WEF etc).

Their plans are the sort dreamed up by mad scientists, where their goals are to eventually have everyone on a social credit system. It's crazy, but they're trying it on.

We've also had to content with being damaged and killed by experimental jabs, likely intended to cull our population, but this has woken up the masses, at least a large chunk, so that the maniacs in charge are now in big trouble. Their plans for a 'Great Reset' are facing a great level of resistance. More people need to be aware of what is happening, hence sharing videos like this. Play at 1.75 speed to get through it. Listen as radio noise. You don't have to agree with all the content to understand what we are facing. So stand up and do not comply with any more of their madness.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, October 14, 2024.]

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