Thursday, September 12, 2024

RECAP: Structural Engineer Roland Angle, P.E., delivers WTC FACTS: Building 7 (AE911Truth)

Earlier this year, AE911Truth's Roland Angle, P. E., spoke at two separate meetings of Stand Up for Idaho — a political organization of Idaho citizens that advocates on behalf of issues reflecting the concerns of most rural areas in middle America.

The first presentation above, which took place on February 23rd, focused on World Trade Center 7, and the second, on March 1st, was centered around the Twin Towers.

The official NIST explanation for the collapse of WTC7 is a pack of lies. Data within their OWN report shows that what they claim is impossible. They massively contradict themselves. You only have to spend a few minutes (20mins out of a 1 hour talk) before releasing the fraud. What they tried on here is insane.

The truth about 911 was a lesson about thinking objectively when it came to a confronting subject (false flag terror). Not many people carried this lesson over to the pandemic.

Story thanks to Trump is Right blog. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]

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