Wednesday, September 11, 2024

RECAP: Basic 911 Forensic Proofs: Gordon Ross Master of Engineering Investigation into the Collapse of the WTC on 9/11

Master of Engineering, Gordon Ross presentation of his analysis of the destruction of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 11th September 2001.

The speaker here describes the damage to the steel structure found in the rubble pile that is accounted for by the use of explosives.

The features seen are not explained by a gravitational collapse. In the opening he pointed out that the debris expulsions during the 'collapses' do not occur on every floor, but every three floors, where the columns are welded together.

The video also points out that the key features of the damage done to the buildings involved steel columns that were accessible via the elevator shafts. Weaker columns, that were not directly accessible, could still be seen standing after the 'collapse fronts' had progressed downwards. The video clearly points out that the top sections of the Twin Towers didn't 'simply' crush the bottom section.

Most interesting is the concave damage done to the steel columns which indicate strong lateral forces were applied to these elements. This further makes sense when we consider that a large portion of the debris pile formed well outside tower footprints - the debris didn't simply 'fall' into the basement areas. These strong 'lateral' forces also pulverised the concrete floors to dust in mid air.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2024.]

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