Thursday, September 12, 2024

Neil Oliver: It’s us or them!!!

‘…the establishment are abusing the very nature of democracy…’

The relationship of the people to our rulers is the same as being in an abusive relationship. They blame the victims for their actions, and then fake contrition, and do the same thing again in throwing the public under the bus (because they are pandering to their donors).

Thankfully the public is waking up to what's really going on, where they see things are becoming more and more like a dystopian nightmare, and are voting for the populist anti globalist parties. Naturally the establishment is trying to delegitimise those voting against them. The establishment power block wants permanent rule, and they're doing near everything to avoid having their puppets voted out of power. It does not mean that the alternatives vying for power are unproblematic, but these alternatives are being strongly opposed, which is a good sign, they have the right message, and having some chance for change is better than none.  

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2024.]

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