Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Are Corals COOKED in THE LAST PARADISE when its so HOT?! (Reef Rebels)

We check out the coral in the hottest part of the world - will it all be bleached and dead from climate change?

Dr Peter Ridd has been researching the Great Barrier Reef since 1984, has invented a range of advanced scientific instrumentation, and written over 100 scientific publications.
Since being fired by James Cook University for raising concerns about science quality assurance issues, Peter Ridd receives no payment for any of the work he does.

This short video points out that corals can survive very large changes in water temperatures, grow faster in hotter climates, and generally survive well in hotter climates. The difference between the same species growing in warmer or colder areas is due to the temps and possibly nutrient flows. Warmer waters will not finish off coral reefs. The vid has a temperature reconstruction going back hundreds of millions of years, with warmer weather and higher CO2, and we know from the fossil record that delicate forms of coral survived well back then. So this is good news. The oceans are not going to die in higher CO2, or higher temp, environments.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 3, 2024.]

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