Tuesday, September 3, 2024

45 Must Pledge To Find The 325,000 Missing Children When Elected (Infowars)

If Trump does this one thing, he'll win by a Landslide.

The importance of this video is that it highlights extreme levels of corruption in the US bureaucracy by addressing this issue. The people at the top of US politics, in Government institutions, and from key special interest lobby groups, the globalist leaning ones, tend to be for open borders, drug trafficking and human trafficking.

The people here are intertwined in a web of big money, blackmail and corruption. It all starts with a small group of corrupt individuals operating within an institution and then they promote others like them until the rot is widespread.

AJ does a good job of breaking it down. You don't have to accept everything he says but this general overview is accurate.

Things need to be massively upended to clean out this corruption. The situation is VERY far out of hand, with real killers, jackals, ready to murder anyone that would stand up against what's going on. Military intervention is likely. We need to open CIA, FBI and NSA blackmail/intelligence files to discover on what's going on and target who to round up. These agencies know, and participate in, the corruption. This is why an overarching military action is needed to regain control of the situation. 

Note: Even if you don't trust the former Prez to fully go ahead and clean things out, like last time, the situation is real and needs to be addressed.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 3, 2024.]

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