Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Bambi Syndrome (Tony Heller)

Governments have known for thousands of years they can control the population through the use of fictional stories. The climate religion is just one more example.

The Bambi Syndrome is being in awe of nature while not recognising its dangers. Also a sense of naivety perhaps, about what really does on out there, being selective about it? In the natural world it is always a fight to survive. The world may be beautiful but it helps to be aware of the danger. Things today are not climatically worse than they have ever been. It's a lie. People in positions of power are using that idea to get control of people. They get people with this 'come together consensus' mentality and then use the conditioning to have people agree to things that will literally kill them. People questioning what is happening, the dissenters, are vilified and censored.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 15, 2022.]

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