Sunday, September 11, 2022

Russia Moves Reinforcements to Kharkov Region to Counter Ukraine Balakliye Offensive (Alexander Mercouris)

The Ukraine advance seems to have happened in Kharkov because the region was not especially well defended. However, the battle is still in flux and Russian counter strikes and attacks are underway. In another day or so the true state of the situation will be known. I expect it to be similar to what we've seen with the other failed attacks launched by Kiev. The bottom line is that Ukraine does not have enough artillery, armoured vehicles, support vehicles, or air power to effectively advance through the Russian lines. As soon as they stop they are then subject to artillery bombardment. The entire set up is a losing proposition against a generally coherent and organised Russian line that has a lot of resources behind it.  


Kharkov Offensive 2.0: Winning Headlines Today, Hastening Defeat for Tomorrow
(The New Atlas)

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 11, 2022.]

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