Monday, September 12, 2022

Jonathan Cole - 9/11 Experiments: Eliminate the Impossible -

When you have competing hypotheses (expert vs expert) you can do an experiment to prove who is right. Two quotes. "Experiment is the final arbiter of competing hypotheses" and "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

The clip is 14 minutes, refuting the official story and debunking the so called debunkers. Either basic fundamental scientific principles are wrong or the official story is a lie in terms of this forensic material. The most important thing here is ANYONE can check this evidence for themselves and juxtapose it to the official narrative.

The only real issue is one's psychological aptitude when it comes to dealing with 'difficult' subjects and one's political/economic position which makes people reluctant to speak out - people speaking out may, and have, lost their jobs, or suffered varying levels of ostracisation and harassment.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 12, 2022.]

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