Saturday, September 17, 2022

How Many UFOs are there REALLY? | The Richard Dolan Show

Despite many years of investigation of UAP/UFOs, researchers have never asked the basic questions: how many sightings are there around the world and how many craft are responsible? Richard Dolan offers his own estimates on these fundamental questions.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 17, 2022.]


  1. Sorry, just now getting over here! I'll be promoting the site via reposts!

  2. Bless you JM ! You can see I have been near ten hits per day since I relaunched. Not the same as 200-300+ per day on the old site, but at least someone, or some bots, were/are watching.
    So far I am happy with the cut down version without too many things on the side column. I think my subheading is good too as it ties in with the Spookyweather name ... I dropped the word Twilight Zone ... We've really crossed over into the other side now !
