Thursday, September 15, 2022

Escalate or Grind On? Russian Ops in Ukraine Update for September 14, 2022 (The New Atlas)

- Ukraine’s recent offensive in Kherson remains stalled;
- Ukraine’s advance into Kharkov took place with an absence of Russian forces present;
- Ukraine’s offensive in Kharkov has slowed down as Ukrainian forces meet larger concentrations of Russian and local militia forces;
- Russia hitting Ukrainian electrical infrastructure may signal an escalation beyond its special military operation;
- Ukraine may still launch yet another offensive operation, but likely toward directions with significantly more Russian troops than Kharkov;
- Rumors persist that Russia is receiving drones from Iran and artillery shells and rockets from North Korea - if true it would enable Russia to either increase the intensity of their operation in Ukraine, or extend it for a longer duration;

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 15, 2022.]

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