Saturday, September 10, 2022


Comedian Chrissie Mayr joins Alex Jones live in studio to discuss how she refused to take the COVID vaccine when the entertainment industry forced all performers to conform and take the deadly shot.

She did exactly the right thing. Everyone should have refused to take the jab. The unions should have supported mass walkouts and that would have been the end of the mandates. But a lot of people went along with the corrupt experiment, especially those brainwashed by "settled science" tropes pushed with things like 'Climate Change'. These brainwashed people are often not interested in counter arguments or debates. They are in love with authority. They are holding hands and conforming to 'save the world'.

The best thing about this clip is the fact they are seeing a mass awakening of people who are sick of all the transparent corruption and bullshit. However, the Deep State is likely to keep up the TV propaganda and the rigged election process. 

Alex also mentions the recent arrest of Steve Bannon. The Deep State is doing everything it can to stop dissenters and to stop the GOP/Trump from winning the mid term elections. 

[Posted at the SpookyWeather2 blog, September 10, 2022.]

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